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Perfect Strangers
Tasmina Perry
The Happiest Refugee: A Memoir
Anh Do
The Captain's Daughter
Leah Fleming
The Trader of Saigon
Lucy Cruickshanks
Someone: A Novel
Alice McDermott
The Wolves of Midwinter
Anne Rice
A Killing of Angels
Kate Rhodes
Gravity of Birds Pb
The Return
Michael Gruber
The Twenty-Seventh City
Jonathan Franzen

Questions of Travel: A Novel

Questions of Travel - Michelle de Kretser This is going to be a challenging book for people used to Santa Montefiore and books with predictable beginning/middle/ending to the narrative and the usual bland dialogues.

The book makes more sense when one reads about the author's background as a Lonely Planet editor as fiction is woven with facts from her life but it is the beauty of the writing which can polarize readers.