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Perfect Strangers
Tasmina Perry
The Happiest Refugee: A Memoir
Anh Do
The Captain's Daughter
Leah Fleming
The Trader of Saigon
Lucy Cruickshanks
Someone: A Novel
Alice McDermott
The Wolves of Midwinter
Anne Rice
A Killing of Angels
Kate Rhodes
Gravity of Birds Pb
The Return
Michael Gruber
The Twenty-Seventh City
Jonathan Franzen

Princess Play

Princess Play - Barbara Ismail The main characters makes a mockery of all the female sleuths out there in crime fiction (provincial or otherwise).

She doesn't actually solve any crime at all since the crime resolves itself around her by the end of the book through other means. Instead she sticks her nose into other people's affair, and seems to have endless time to 'investigate' and honestly is just a source of irritant. I almost clapped my hands with glee when she was whacked on the head cos there is how irritating I found her to be. Unfortunately she lived.

In the end it's the other characters who outshines her in terms of characterisation and it is also unfortunate there will be five more books with her as the main character, because in all honesty, the books function just as well without her 'insights' and 'deductions'